Meet Joseph



            Hi everyone and welcome to Adroit Woodworks. I first want to thank you all for your interest and support with my works.

            My name is Joseph. I am a former professional chef, computer science major, woodworker and father of two. I currently reside in a wonderful NE suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota.

            I did not always know that I was going to work with wood. I did not have a father or grandfather that were woodworkers. I did not start working with wood at a young age. I did not have a job that required me to use power tools. In fact, up until recent years my only real prior knowledge with woodworking was what I had learned in eighth grade shop class or making ramps and grind boxes as a young skateboarder. However, I have always had love for craftmanship and art. I have always enjoyed the beauty of nature and have always found enjoyment in creating and problem solving. Whether it be a new dish or recipe, a painting, or beautifully turned bowl from a piece of wood that might have been otherwise tossed in a fire.

              My journey to woodworking began a few years back when making some diplay items that were needed for my wife’s business (Naptime Aromatherapy Co). I would help her at art fairs and meet many woodworkers and admired their craftsmanship and creativity.  In this time I was beginning to accumulate more and more tools. I began watching many “how to” YouTube videos and fell deep down the rabbit hole of woodworking. About 2 years ago I had acquired a lathe and fell in love with woodturning. Prior to, I had no real sound knowledge of how to use a lathe. Whatever I had watched or read up until this point……that was all I had to go off, but that was all I needed. From there it was much of a trial and error process for me to learn the skills that I needed in order to create amazing pieces of functional décor for others to enjoy.

            Much of my work features the use of a lathe, from turning bowls, lidded boxes, ornaments, vessels. I sometimes feature techniques such as charring, carving for texture, embellishing or using epoxy hybrids. In the future I plan to do more keepsake boxes, cutting boards, wall art and coffee/side tables so stay tuned for these items

           The beauty of nature always struck me, how every tree has its own character and story that speaks to us. Learning how to make different items that compliment the look and feel of each particular piece of wood is something that brings me joy and has become meditative.